Text: Ingo Dreckmann
Fotos: Manuel Fuentes
Please introduce yourself: Where are you from, how old are you, when did you start skating?
Hey, there. My name is Manuel. I’m from a small city in Spain. I’m 47 years “young” and I started skating when I was 12-13 years old. I was hooked since I saw a friend with a Sims Eric Nash Lizard board. I used it when he wasn’t skating and I learnt to ollie on it. Then my parents got me a Zorlac Metallica, one of those with a huge tail.
There are a lots of books about skateboard/deck history available on the market (for example “Disposable”). What sparked the idea of creating your own book?
The idea for the book started during the COVID-19 lockdown. I had the “Disposables” and other essential skateboarding books, but I couldn’t help but noticing huge voids for some eras.
Most of those books try to cover the whole skateboarding history so it’s obvious that some brands, years, etc. are missing. So I’ve started dreaming about a book, that will cover the graphics missing in those books. I had several ideas in mind for a book, but I didn’t have the skills, the knowledge or the contacts to do it. But the good thing of dreaming about something is that you don’t put yourself limits and man, ignorance is a bliss. So I was wondering what year had the coolest graphics, a very subjective opinion I know, I finally chose 1992 and jumped into the pool expecting to find water there!