

Coping Mechanism Doku von Phil Evans

Der Filmemacher Phil Evans sollte euch spätestens seit seiner Format Perspective Dokumentation von 2011 ein Begriff sein.

Diesen Donnerstag feiert sein neuer Dokumentarfilm namens „Coping Mechanism“ über die D.I.Y. Szene in Malmö vor Ort Premiere. Die Polar-Crew mit Pontus, Oski und Fernado Bramsmark ist natürlich mit von der Partie und einen ersten Trailer gibt es für euch schon zu sehen:

Auf Skate Malmo erklärt er noch, was an Malmös Szene so besonders ist:

The Malmö scene is quite unique to me in a variety of ways, such a variety that I felt compelled to try represent this array of radness in a documentary film.

I believe other skate scenes around the world could learn a lot from the scene here, as despite the size of the city they have managed to create a skate scene here that punches way above its weight and is producing a growing list of skater-designed parks and DIY spots and a range of very talented skateboarders that span a large social and age spread.

However, despite the scene growing in its accessibility it has managed to retain its integrity without becoming diluted or lame – old bastards, girls, DIY heads, park builders and street skaters all push their groups and agendas here in growing numbers, all to the benefit of the scene as a whole.

The people at the heart of the scene here have put in the hard work and made the right decisions to foster a unique relationship with the city council who understand the true social benefits that skateboarding has to offer. Together they have pioneered a skate paradise in an unlikely location. This is something I have tried my best to represent, analyse and celebrate in Coping Mechanism.



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