Unerwartet und viel zu früh musste die Skatewelt kürzlich den Tod von Lewis Marnell betrauern. Filmer Jason Hernandez nimmt nun von seinem Freund mit diesem Clip Abschied.
Das ist es was Jason selbst dazu zu sagen hat:
We lost a skateboarder, a friend, and most of all a truly good person.
Lewis lived his life with Diabetes, the kind were you’d need to check your blood for it’s insulin levels and give your self a shot sometimes twice a day. Oh he’d let you know every day he had diabetes 🙂 he’d ask before every spot, „Oi – how far is the nearest store, Oi – I need to eat, Oi – how long are we gonna be here? I need food“ I look back at this and smile, at the time I’d be like, „c-mon really…?“ He was really good a misplacing his insulin pen, I helped him find it quite a few times, and remember how psyched he’d be to find it under his mess of shopping bags he’d bring on every session, OHHHH the shopping bags – they’d be rustling around making all sorts of noise in the car, hotel room; he’d have all his gummy worms, sour patch kids, all sorts of sugary foods to keep his levels were they needed to be.
Lewis was legitimately a good person, he cared about what was going on in your life, he’d stop to talk with anyone, I mean anyone… A bum, the random lurker you don’t want to talk to a the spot, anyone… We’d always be waiting on him cause he met some new friend at the skate spot/or wherever we stopped the car.
I miss you Lewis I hate to say I truly took you for granted and am sorry for every time I made you eat Subway cause I couldn’t figure out your diet, I wish I could tell you all this in person… but I can’t. So next time I will try and let the people I see daily know that I appreciate them, and stop to talk with them just a little longer.
R.I.P Lewis
Love you bud.
Jason H
** Please do not ask about what gear I used, camera, lens, etc… **
This Ins’t about that, enjoy the memory of our friend Lewis Marnell
„One Love“